Explore the history of
New York
This is an initiative to catalog and share the rich history of Vernon, focusing on the Town of Vernon, the Village of Vernon, and Vernon Center. The Town also includes Oneida Castle and the City of Sherrill.
About Vernon
Vernon has a long and fascinating history. The town and village are at a strategic spot along the Sconondoa Creek–ideal for grist mills and glass factories–and within the orbit of the Oneida Nation’s main village at Oneida Castle. Vernon was on an ideal path for a plank road (now Route 5). A rich supply of timber from dense hemlock forests further made Vernon a prime location for settlement and industry. Read a Brief History of Vernon.
Newly Added Artifacts
Recent Articles
Seneca Street looking west 2022 and 1906
This comparison shows the north side of Route 5,…
Then and Now – Odd Fellows Lodge
Did you know – the Vernon Odd Fellows Lodge,…
Ben Egan Day – 100th Anniversary
Ben Egan Day in Baltimore and Sherrill NY, since 1922
Then and Now – Seneca St Looking East toward Dibble’s
Before Route 5 was a double lane highway heading…
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We also welcome you to share one or more memories of life here! It can be something simple and everyday, like where you get groceries or ride your bike. Or a concert, school play, life during COVID, or a major milestone like a wedding. We need all types of experiences from all types of residents, and visitors so future generations better understand life in Vernon, through the years.
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146th NYSV abolition Abolitionist Babe Ruth Baltimore Orioles Ben Egan Ben Egan Day Christian Watchman church Civil War Continental Army Cushman House Dunbarton Glass Works Fire muster GAR Grant's Lumber Hotel Maple Park Home Mount Vernon Glassworks NEW YORK STATE ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY Oneida Castle Oneida Community Ltd Pepsi Post Office Rambler Rose Tea House Revolutionary War School Sconondoa Creek The Bakehouse Train Station Tyler Lumber Company Uebler Milking Machine Vernon Agricultural Society Vernon Center Vernon Center Methodist Church Vernon Center Presbyterian Church Vernon Center Schoolhouse Vernon Fair Vernon High School Vernon Mills Vernon Union Free School Village of Vernon Volunteer Fire Company of Vernon West Shore Railroad Willow Hill