Utica NY Observer: Groups Named to Chart Fall Fair in Vernon
A list of the committees and committee members for the Vernon Fair, hosted by the Vernon Agricultural Society.

Creator/Author: Utica NY Observer
Date: 1937
Publisher: Utica NY Observer
Citation: 1937 - Utica NY Observer
Holding Institution/Physical Location: Digital archive - Fulton History
Vernon-Committee and superintendents were named at a recent meeting of directors of Vernon Agricultural Society for the [89th] annual fair Sept. [11-12], with two night exhibitions.
Committees are: Concessions, W. V. H. Bartholomew, G. H. Chandler, F. C. Smith; free attractions, Bartholomew, Burk, Smith; grounds and buildings, Halden Lyon Smith.
Insurance, Heinig, Wetmore, Hogan; [Pines] premises Hall, Halder, Leon Smith: printing and advertising, Bartholomew, Smith: racetrack and stables, Burton, Wetmore: [illegible] Halden, Wetmore, Bartholomew.
Superintendents Grounds, GIlbert Wetmore: floral hall, Frank Halder; live stock, William Hogan: horses, [ ] Chandler; cattle: William Hogan: sheep, C. B. Lyon, [. ] Frank Pine: machinery, F. A. Cody: horse-pulling contest, C. K. Chandler: police, Gilbert Wetmore: baseball, F. A. Cody: entries, Mrs. Oscar Law.
The sum of $4,521, a refund of premiums paid by the society, has been received from the state. For the horse racing program for 1937, the sum of $5,000 has been appropriated. Plans were made to erect a building to be used as a ladies' rest room.
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