Daily Sentinel, Rome, Feb 25, 1928 page 3
This Saturday Evening version contains updates from Vernon, Vernon Center and other local towns.
For Vernon Center, the headline is "Miss Griswold Will Soon Leave Maple Park Home". Also discussed are, Frederick Rice in the Utica hospital, Fay Salm recovering from surgery in Oneida, and "John Parkhurst is on the sick list."

Creator/Author: Rome Daily Sentinel
Date: Feb 25, 1928
Publisher: Rome Daily Sentinel
Citation: Rome Daily Sentinel. As archived by Fulton Search
Holding Institution/Physical Location:
Delegates Return From Convention at Albany
Vernon, Feb. 25.—Jesse S. Ferris, president, and G. W. Bowers, assistant secretary, of the Vernon
Agricultural Association, have returned from Albany, where they attended, as delegates, the New York State Association of Town
and County Agricultural Societies.
The town delegates met Tuesday
forenoon, and in the afternoon
jointly with the county members.
The delegates had the pleasure of
meeting Governor Alfred E. Smith
to present the matter of increased
appropriations for state aid, which
was favorably received. A banquet
at the Ten Eyck in the evening,
attended by the 325 delegates, was
an interesting feature of the sessions.
Mrs. Catherine Croup and Agnes
Solinski, who have been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Bromley, have returned to Boonville.
Miss Marjorle Dedrlck of Oneida
is the week-end guest of her
sister, Mrs. Henry Witte.
Director Rathbun has returned
from the monthly directors' meeting
in New York City, and on Friday
night spoke at an Oswego subdistrict
meeting in Pennelville. Tonight
he will be one of the speakers
at the Augusta local of the
Dairymen's League at Knoxboro.
The Vernon-Verona Corners 500 Club will meet tonight with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorpe. Marion Short, mail clerk in New York City, has returned to his home after a few days' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Short.
Vernon Lodge, No. 11, I. O. O. F. conferred the second degree on two candidates at its regular meeting Thursday evening.
Mrs. Rose Cline, Mrs. Rose Cline of Rome and Mrs. Frank Bradley and daughter, Marian of Ilion, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Del Adams. Mrs. Josephine Bartell and sons have returned from Cazenovia where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carter. William Hurley, who has been confined in the Broad Street Hospital, Oneida, for the past five weeks, expects to return home either today or Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schelferstine are the proud parents of a son born Friday night at their home on Van Epps street. Mrs. Harold Schwartz and daughter Betty are spending the weekend in Canastota with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Torrey.
Miss Griswold Will Soon Leave Maple Park Home
Vernon Center, Feb. 25. — Miss
Jennie Grlswold who has been the
efficient matron at Maple Park
Home for nearly nine years will
sever her connection with that institution
on March 15, and with
her sister, Miss Flora, who has
been her assistant, will take up her
residence at what was formerly
known as the "Rambler Rose Tea
Inn" In this village, having purchased
the same some time ago.
The latter has been ill for several
weeks and is now under the care
of a nurse, Miss Etta Burns. Miss
Grlswold resigned her position in
the late fall and her resignation
was accepted with regret by the
board of managers. They will be
succeeded at the home by Mr and
Mrs. J. Stewart of Clinton, the latter
as matron.
Fredelck Rice Is in Memorial
Hospital, Utica, where on Wednesday
he underwent an operation.
Fay B. Salm Is making a satisfactory
recovery from his recent operations at the Broad Street Hospital,
Oneida, and is expected to return
home the first of the week.
John Pankhurst is on the sick list
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