Dibble’s Inn Postcard mid-century

Date: 1950s?
Publisher: Made by the Dexter Press, Pear River, N.Y.
Citation: From the collection of Garrett Law
Holding Institution/Physical Location: From the collection of Garrett Law
Dibble's Inn - Route 5, Vernon, N.Y.
{sign} Cocktail Lounge
DIBBLE'S INN - Route 5, Vernon, N.Y. Restau-
rant and cocktail lounge. Specializing in Charcoal
Broiled Steaks and Chops, Chicken, Lob
ster a la Newburg. Catering to Banquets, Bridge
Parties and Wedding Breakfasts. We are 34 miles
from Syracuse and 17 miles from Utica. Phone
Vernon 3-2595.
Silverrcraft -Made by the Dexter Press, Pear River, N.Y.
Current Google Street view of Location
Artifact Submitted by: Garrett Law