Willow Vale Farm – 1950s Aerial View

According to submitter Jim Winterton, This is a photo of Willow Vale Farm, owned by his father Stewart G Winterton, from 1950 to 1962. The date of this photo is after a tornado hit the farm. The tornado took down their two silos next to the barn and barely missed the gas tanks across the road. The pea vinery across the street (Route 26) was destroyed as well.
Vernon Center School Photo – Oct 2, 1952

A photo of the Vernon Center primary grades in 1952-1953 school year.
Photo of J.J. Bartholomew

A black and white portrait of Bartholomew, wearing glasses, jacket and tie, with white hair.
Map, Village of Vernon c 1900

A map of the Village of Vernon, approximately 1900. Probably a Sanborn insurance map.
Utica Daily Press – Oct 27, 1924 – Page 7

Updates on a fundraiser for the Maple Park Home, Methodist Ladies Aid Society, Presbyterian Rally Day and aid Society Harvest Dinner, Miss Nina Tournier returns to DC from Rambler Rose.
Daily Sentinel, Rome, Feb 25, 1928 page 3

This Saturday Evening version contains updates from Vernon, Vernon Center and other local towns.
For Vernon Center, the headline is "Miss Griswold Will Soon Leave Maple Park Home". Also discussed are, Frederick Rice in the Utica hospital, Fay Salm recovering from surgery in Oneida, and "John Parkhurst is on the sick list."
FSA Photo: All steel waterwheel in the Vernon flour mill, New York

Entitled: All steel waterwheel in the Vernon flour mill, New York
FSA Photo: Flour mill in Vernon, New York which still uses water power for grinding

A 1941 photograph taken by John Collier, Jr. as part of the Farm Security Administration effort.
1874 Map of Vernon Center, Oneida Castle

Map of portions of the Town of Vernon, including Vernon Center, Oneida Castle, and Dunbarton Glass