Utica Daily Press – Oct 27, 1924 – Page 7
Updates on a fundraiser for the Maple Park Home, Methodist Ladies Aid Society, Presbyterian Rally Day and aid Society Harvest Dinner, Miss Nina Tournier returns to DC from Rambler Rose.

Creator/Author: Utica Daily Press
Date: Oct 27, 1924
Publisher: Utica Daily Press
Citation: Original by Utica Daily Press, digitized by Fulton Search and shared by G. Law.
Holding Institution/Physical Location:
Board of Managers will Entertain Guests
and Receive Contributions [tk]
Vernon Center. Oct 26–Maple Park Home Donation Day will be observed Wednesday in the Home. In the afternoon the board of managers will entertain and serve tea and the public in general has been invited.
Mrs. Harry Bates was the recent guest of her sister Mrs. Alger Ames.
Mrs. C. Car and daughter [tk] spent part of last week with friends in Utica.
Reverend F. W. West was the guest of honor at a meeting of the Presbyterian aid society at the home of Mrs. Jj. H. Miller Wednesday afternoon. The occasion was Mr. West‘s 72nd birthday. A birthday cake was passed with seven lighted candles on one side and two on the other. About 26 guests were present.
At the harvest festival Friday night more than 100 persons were present and $63 was cleared.
Mrs. Lewis Rice entertained the Methodist ladies aid society at her home Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. William Richards has returned from a visit with relatives in [M…?]
Mrs. F. W. West recently entertained her niece from Fulton.
Rally day will be observed in the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning. There will be a special sermon by the pastor at the regular service and special music by the choir.
Dr. and Mrs. WP Hall Utica were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. WC.[?]
Mrs. Nina Tournier , Washington, has sold at private sale all her furniture from Rambler Rose tea house and has returned to her home.
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