Vernon’s Oldest Citizen Dead
George W. Bronson, Vernon Centre’s oldest citizen, died Thursday at the age of 81 years.
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Date: Oct 28, 1900
Publisher: The Argus newspaper (Albany [N.Y.])
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Vernon's Oldest Citizen Dead.
George W. Bronson, Vernon Centre’s oldest citizen, died Thursday at the age of 81 years. Mr. Bronson had always lived in the farm house half a mile east of Vernon Centre village, where he was born, and where five generations of Bronsons have lived and died. His life was always a quiet one, but he left to all a bright example of sterling integrity and righteousness of character. It never was a question with him whether a thing was popular or not. but was it right. That only governed and decided his course. In the early days when the slavery question was stirring the country he promptly espoused the cause of the oppressed colored man. and more than one weary hunted fugitive found shelter and rest through his efforts and was speeded on the way to freedom. Fifty-five years ago Mr. Bronson was united in marriage to Miss Frances Graham, and four children came to cheer their home, three of whom are living. I. G. Bronson of Vernon, Mrs. Clara Mason of New York, and George H. Bronson, who lives at the homestead.
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