Tyler Lumber Company
The principal lumber company for the area, with a water powered mill, and later a turbine for generating the town's first electrical service. In 1907 it was incorporated, and they purchased the WIlliam Torrey coal business. The business was known as Tyler until 1941 when it was purchased by Douglas Lynch of Whitesboro. But in 1965, Robert Grant purchased the business and built a new home on Route 5 east of Cannery Lane.
Van Eps Institute for Young Ladies
S. B. Norton obtained the old Van Eps homestead, which as of 2021 is the American Legion, and turned it into this school. According to Pioneers of Vernon, "Boarding pupils were limited to fifteen, and fifteen day students could, also, be instructed. Daily exercises in the fresh air were required. Sweets and pastries were frowned upon. The girls were carefully taught and strictly supervised in manners and morals. The cost was $200 per year, music and painting being extras."
Vernon Academy

A premier regional school for boys, founded in 1833. It was incorporated by the NYS Legislature in 1838. The school was built of heavy stones where the Mt. Vernon Apartments are as of 2020, on the corner of School and Seneca streets. It was a private school. Students came from all over to attend the school, and were boarded in nearby homes.
Vernon Agricultural Society & Vernon Fair

For nearly 100 years, from 1848 to 1942, the Vernon Fair was a big deal, attracting residents and regional visitors alike to a late-September event.
Vernon Center Presbyterian Church

The first church in the Town of Vernon, founded in 1802 in Vernon Center by settlers from CT. More history available at www.thisoldchurch.com.
Vernon Downs

The harness racetrack, casino and hotel complex in the center of New York, whose roots began with the Vernon Agricultural Society's annual Vernon Fair.
Vernon Female Seminary
The Vernon Female Seminary offered a refined education for young women. The school had the same trustees as the Vernon Academy for Young Men, and became part of it when the Academy incorporated in 1838. It may have begun in 1832